I skipped a few numbers to celebrate that he will be our 45th
So, it's two days after the BIG election.
The biggest news other than him winning was HOW did he win?
Obviously, there are a lot of "closet" supporters that didn't have the balls to
tell anyone that they were going to vote for him!
But last night, the second biggest news was not so much that Trump won, but the
protests against him winning.
I don't get people on the left, and I don't get the mindset of a lot of the
minorities that seem to love protesting, sometimes violently.
EVERYONE on TV said to everyone watching, "get out and vote". Looks like
those were wasted words.
One of the things I read yesterday was an opinion that Blacks didn't seem to
want to get out and vote as much as they did when Obama was running, because
they simply didn't care that much for an old white woman. Well, this one,
if it is true, came back to bite you in the ass, didn't it??
If you were a democrat, and didn't vote, then you deserve what happened.
Apathy, it can suck sometimes.
I voted for Trump, but after he won, I felt like a lot of the Brit's that voted
for the Brexit - and the day after, they said WTF??? Of course, living in
Maryland, we all know that a vote for a Republican is almost always a wasted
vote :-)
But he deserves a chance as much as anyone else. We only have 4 years to
put up with him if he doesn't perform.
What have we done?
I just know that I didn't want Hillary as president, so I went for the lesser of
two evils (IMHO).
The leading reason for not considering her is the email scandal.... As a former
employee of a defense contractor with a clearance, if I had done that shit, I
would have been in prison faster than shit, bar none. We had meetings and
instructional videos on how to handle classified information. No-one is
going to tell me that the top dog of the defense community is NOT going to have
at least some of the same training. AND, if she didn't, someone needs to
get their ass in high gear and prepare a course for the people running our
country. Maybe Northrop Grumman should start selling their online classes
to the feds to train them!!!
Let's go back to the little f**king dimwits that decided to protest with the
signs "he's not my president". Well, I didn't vote for Obama, and neither
did most of my neighborhood, but I didn't see hordes of white middle America
going out there and protesting with signs that said "he's not my president", did
you? Or did I miss that night on TV???
It just ain't right.
Since I had to weather thru 8 years of a president that I didn't vote for, and I didn't particularly care
for, now it's ya'lls turn to put up with someone you didn't vote for, FUCK YOU!
If we go back a little further in the early days of the presidential race, and look at Bernie, the
only people I knew around me that supported him were people that basically have
nothing, and could benefit from all of his proposed free handouts. The only
problem with that is, when you run out of other peoples money (i.e.: mine), the system falls
apart. I'm tired of working my ass off so others can have a comfortable
life at my expense.... go out and get a fucking job! In fact, I'm tired of anyone that wants to
profit off of me and doesn't deserve it (which is precious few).
My best friend and I had a conversation the other day, about how we have become
a nation of people that have been made to feel bad about those less fortunate.
It has become a sin to be successful and make money, but we sure do love the
shit out of watching that crap on TV, witness the plethora of shitty shows that
highlight the wives of (pick any rich town USA)(why don't we have a show called
"the Housewives of Penn-North"? Because no-one wants to watch a show about
prostitutes and druggies, that's why). We also have the "houses of the
rich and famous", or "cars of the rich and famous". So obviously, we need
rich people.
About some of his policies......
The wall. I don't think it will happen. Mexico will never pay for
it, for one. Besides, if he keeps all of the Mexicans out of the U.S., who
is going to do the things Americans don't want to do? Let em work, and
give them all a special SSN with an M (or some other way to identify them as
non-residents) on the end of it, and tax em.
NATO: I can kind of see his logic behind his thinking. I wouldn't
have a problem if he does pull us out. Other countries already complain
that we don't do enough for a world disaster, compared to our GNP, but then, HOW
electricity, food, and a hospital? Very few, and those that do, don't have
enough to go around the world helping every little frickin national with a
disaster. I also wouldn't have a problem with pulling out of the United
Nations, either, for the good it does us!
Obamacare: It IS a disaster. It was a disaster from the inception
when Michelle's friends company (FROM CANADA!!!) screwed up the software for the
website (and you and I got to pay that bill!!!). It can't disappear soon
enough. Besides, the rates are going up again, because we are not
penalizing the Millenials who are not signing up for it. But at the same
time, we need something that is going to help ALL Americans, not just the rich!
Muslim Immigrants. Let them go somewhere else. There are 194 other
countries they can go to. We don't need their values here, because most of
them don't want to live anything near a Judeo-Christian lifestyle. This
country was founded on Christian values and FREEDOM, if you don't like that,
don't come here. Let them go somewhere more like their own country - dry,
arid, and Muslim. Pick an African country, like Egypt or Libya, then WE
don't have to buy them winter coats for a climate they are not used to.
Germany, France, and especially England are all finding out how UN-NICE these
people are, and all we have to do here at home is look at the likes of Dearborn
MI. Even cops hate going into their neighborhoods. My grandparents
came from Italy, and that didn't even last one generation, for they never taught
me any Italian. So if you don't like it here, go the fuck away....
Supreme Court: I can only hope that he will put someone more open minded
in there. We don't need things like abortion going under attack again.
Sorry to you right wingers out there, but what a woman does is none of your
fucking business, and most of all, the feds should not be making a policy based
on your religious views, because THAT IS NOT FREEDOM, just like you don't being
told what to do...... If you want the religious freedom to practice
whatever it is you practice, then you should be considerate of someone's right
to do the same, and just because you disagree with something, is no reason to go
out and kill in the name of God, cause he didn't tell you to do it. I
know, because HE told me that.
I don't follow newspapers much, because they are written by people who have
opinions which are as populous as assholes, and they usually don't share my
feelings. Somehow I got on a mailing list for the Washington Post, which
is about as liberal as they come. It is interesting to see their stories
today, as they all express contempt for the new president elect, or can't
understand how they could have been so wrong. But that's the way it goes.
Although Hillary won the popular vote, she did not win in enough states to carry
the electoral vote. If you don't like our political system, move somewhere
else and stop fucking whining, please. At least the one reporter below
admitted that she was wrong, that is more than Trump will ever do.