Guns and Abortion, probably two of the hottest
subjects for political discussion.
Discuss gun control with a liberal and a conservative, and fireworks
will usually fly.
The Liberals want to see every gun in the Untied
States go away, the conservatives do not.
Liberals will tell you the
evil guns do, like killing people, and that it could be prevented if we did
not allow gun owndership.
I won't deny, that while that is a nice
thought and objective, there are those out there who don't give a rats ass
about you and your rights, and will use a gun to get their point across.
Let me make it plainly clear that while I am not a hardcore gun
advocate, I do believe in the right to defend oneself, and I also believe
that there shouldn't be a limit on what you can own - actor Charlton Heston
had a vault and owned almost every imaginable gun, including some very cool
WWII stuff. A collection to die for!
Guns are part of what made
the U.S. great, despite what some may want to think. I also believe it
is one of the reasons that America has remained pretty safe from being
invaded by foreign forces that would love to come over here and take us
over. Imagine what would have happened, if the events in Paris on
11/13/2015 happened in Texas - they would have gotten the f**king piss beat
out of them! Don't let any of that shit happen in the south or the
west (Montana and the like), where they will not only get their guns out,
but their cans of whoop-ass too!!!
It would be nice if everyone
played by the same rules, or valued life as the majority of us do. But
many don't.
Take a guy (or guys) that plan on robbing a convenience
store, and have a gun with them.
Think of those that plan to rob a
bank, and have guns at their disposal.
Think of the muggings that
happen, at gunpoint.
Does anyone out there really think that ANY law
is going to prevent these FA (f***king assholes) from doing any of the above
Please, please think before you answer that. If you
answer yes, why do you say that? You are dealing with people that
don't give a shit about the law, or they wouldn't be doing what they are
doing to begin with. Think people.
Every state has LAWS in the
form of speed limits on their highways, yet, how many people feel it is OK
to drive in excess of the posted limit? If you are one of these
people, then you to, have your own personal limit for what you think is
reasonable, and something I can get away with because no-one (most of the
time) will be harmed by you speeding.
Ever take a pencil or pen or
anything else from work? Then you are stealing! No matter how
you justify IT, you are stealing, and breaking one of the 10 commandments.
How can you sleep with yourself?
Don't even get me started on those
f**king GUN FREE ZONES, where the bad guys know they can go and have no-one
go up against them when they decide to go on a tirade. We have in
effect, created a safe haven for these f**king nut jobs to go and have fun -
like going to the fair to an arcade!
Chicago has the
most strict gun laws in the U.S., yet it hasn't seemed to stem the tide of
murders there, has it?
Bloomberg has spent
millions on trying to get a liberal governor elected in Virginia, just so
they can outlaw guns there. Why doesn't he instead donate 30 or 40
million to my proposed 911 Twin Towers Memorial Park instead, it would
benefit EVERYONE a whole lot more!
In Maryland, it is not like other
states where your house is considered your castle and you have the right to
protect it at any costs. You can be prosecuted for killing someone
entering your home and he/they want to do you bodily harm, or worse yet,
kill you. Shame on YOU for wanting to protect yourself in your own
home! You bastard.
So you want to ban
guns altogether, like Australia or Great Britain? Well, you know what
they say, and unarmed person is a victim. Any way you look at it, he
is a victim. And, for all of you who feel smug in knowing that guns
are illegal to own there, I will say the same thing here as I said about our
gun-free zones: The bad guys know it is open season on EVERYONE, because the
law abiding citizen is not allowed to have a gun and protect themselves -
and so they die.
Fact: there are already enough laws on the books to
put people who use guns in the wrong manner to put them away forever, but
the problem is, when they get to court, those penalties get plea-bargained
away. So what f**king good does it do to have the gun laws the
liberals so badly want? HUH? Answer me that!
My final words for
today are: no matter what we do, no matter what laws we pass, even if we
made guns in this country completely illegal, the bad guys will have guns.
Because we can see how well out WAR ON DRUGS is coming along after what,
40-50 years? Didn't we learn even one f**king thing from making booze
illegal in the 20's? It just doesn't work, and look at all of
the innocent people that died during those years trying to enforce a law,
that even the government didn't really believe in! Make them illegal
to own, and the only ones that won't have guns are the law abiding citizens.
The bad guys are going to be laughing all the way to your home and kill you.