I'm not quite sure how I got on the email list for a group called "Preserving Freedom", but I am.
I agree with some of their stuff, while others, like the Planned Parenthood controversy, I do not.
All of us in the United States wants to enjoy our freedom (well, most of us do, but that's another rant).
However, the Preserving Freedom people want to control you by limiting what Planned Parenthood does, and how they get funded (by using public money via
my taxes).
It just ain't right!
Just because they do not share your view, they want to deprive YOU of having that option available to you.
In the same vein, this reminds me of something Chick-Fil-A does:
They protest against and ask for a pardon from one of Obamacare Care's mandates for providing birth control,
saying that it goes against THEIR religious beliefs.
However, they have NO PROBLEM imposing their religious belief on you by CLOSING on Sundays.
Is that just a tad hypocritical or what!!!
It just ain't right.
What is a matter with people? Do they not see and hear themselves?
How can they be PROTECTING FREEDOM by taking away others peoples rights? How is that???? I don't get it, do you???