RANT #10
#2 Gets A Promotion,
Now He's #1
Rated R for bad language
Well, if ya'll have read any of my past rants about the workplace, 'specially #4, you already have a background in these two imps. It's 2011, and #1 has finally decided to retire and leave. This is one of those deals where no matter which way the axe fell you're fraked (whether he stayed or retired).
Obviously, the biggest question for us bottom feeders was, who is/was going to take his place.
There were many well qualified candidates out there for the job, but we received news last week that the venerable #2 of past rants has been given the #1 post.
This, in and of itself, was sort of a relief, because we are dealing with a known quantity. However, I found out yesterday, that maybe it isn't going to be such a smooth ride afterall.
Let's dive into the particulars.
I have a mundane job, with no responsibility whatever, other showing up every day to be a pawn in their games. We all like to think that our own little world at work is important enough that they just can't do without us, but I'm here to tell you, that just ain't so, as I have seen several times in the past 7 years where they got rid of people at their whim.
So OK, #2 is now #1, as the old #1 does nothing till the end of the month when he is officially gone, outta here.
The other day, I had made a suggestion that could save the company money. I don't usually do this, as the people above me (Sh1t, that's almost everyone in the company) usually don't agree, cause they are only looking out after the bottom line.... we need to keep our billable hours up so we can show increased profitability.... we need to bill the customer for those parts even tho we don't really need to use them..... you know, that kind of rich people mentality where the only thing that matters is the bottom fraking line.
It just ain't right.
So anyways, I got a reply that said "something to consider, but don't bother me with this shit cause I'm leaving the group" This was from from our lead in one of the three groups I work in, and he is moving on to another group, to get the h3ll out of Dodge so to speak (can't blame him).
Well, I fired off an email in response to this, and went into my usual diatribe with several examples to prove my point about the stuff in italics.
I get called into my bosses office at the end of the day, because the new #1 sent him an email that ripped me a new a-hole over my response, and he wanted to know what budget I was charging to write it on, as this was against the command media policies specifically prohibiting the use of company property (the computer and the company intranet) to further ones political views.
Well, first of all Mr. F**king Know-It-All, I was stating my personal opinion, and none of it had to do with or was against your political views.
The fact that he may not have liked my pointing finger to the inadequacies of management doesn't mean that I was using company property or time to further my political agenda..... If ya'll read my Rant #4, you would know exactly what I'm talking about when we went round and round with the OT issue back in the last decade.
Now, he may not like what I said, but that doesn't give him the right to single me out and say I can't do this sh1t on company time, for that smacks of harassment.
Why do I say this? Let's take one of Toms closest friends in our group, we'll call him Fred Martin. Fred loves to talk, so much so that Fred probably spends a half an hour at a time bull-sh1tting with each of 3 or 4 or 5 people A DAY. Now, Mr F**king #1, what do you get him to charge that time to, HUH? Multiply that times the number of people that spend 15 or 30 minutes here and there all thru the fraking day, and you all of a sudden have a much bigger problem than me spending 5 or 10 minutes typing up an email!!!
So you see, get off my f**king arse or I'll make your miserable little f**king life even more so. Otherwise we'll take a trip up to HR while I call in the ACLU for harassment for singling me out.
It just ain't right.
New 12MAY2011
Last modified
28 Nov 2013