Why Should
Videos Be Illegal?
Maryland has one of the most strict laws concerning wire taping. Somehow, years ago, Maryland decided to include video taping in the wire taping law. Dunno how this happened, but then, politicians don't always exercise good and prudent judgment, dictated by common sense.
A recent case involving a motorcyclist who was pulled over for speeding, and had a helmet cam going, recorded the whole thing and then stuck it on YouTube. He was then arrested and prosecuted for a felony charge of violating the wire-tapping law.
So let me get this right.... it's OK for the cops to tape you with the cameras they have in their cars, but it's not OK for you or I to do the same. Can someone say:
It just ain't right.
Fortunately, the case is now in court, and thanks to the ACLU, the motorcyclist seems to be beating the state charges, altho the state has 30 days to protest the ruling.
If anyone notices, the government is slowly taking away our liberties, one by one.
Look at what they have done with their dogs, if you, for some reason, kill a police dog, it is the same as killing an officer. This also....
It just ain't right.
Someone can say all they want about how great it is to be alive today, but as an old fart, I can also say, I miss the good ole days, but then, my grandfathers said the same thing when I was 10 years old, almost 50 some odd years ago....... Technology aside, what is really better today than yesterday... OK, cars, yes, them too... I love my HD TV, but I also remember the days when parents couldn't get a hold of their kids by cellphones, or I didn't have to wear a helmet when riding a bike..... we also didn't have the freakazoid Muslim's trying to eradicate "us", we didn't have airport security, we didn't have kids killing kids on college campuses, we didn't have Christian watchdog groups on the internet banning my website, yadda, yadda, yadda.......
NEW 09/27/2010
28 Nov 2013