Circuit Nomenclature & Symbols
For Signal Drawings




This section covers the various circuit symbols used in the signal drawings, and the nomenclature used to describe them.

The majority of information for this page came from a book labeled
Graphical Signal Symbols and Written Circuit Nomenclature, published by The Railway Educational Bureau in 1950, and written D. C. Buell.

This first section deals with the standard AAR abbreviations and nomenclature used in the labeling of relay drawings.  If you have ever tried to read a signal drawing, and can't make sense out of it, these "TLA's" should help you.

General AAR Abbreviations

A    Approach
B    Block, button, positive energy (hereafter referred to as power)
C    Common, changer, counter, correspondence, circuit, controller, code, checking contacts
D    Proceed indication of a signal, detector, decoding
E    East, eastward, electric light, element
F    Traffic
G    Green, signal (operating mechanism), ground
H    Home, Approach indication of a signal
    Skate, dual control
K    Indicator
L    Left, lock preventing initial movement of a lever from normal or reverse position, locking, lever, light, split battery, lock valve
M   Lock preventing final or indicating movement of a lever, magnetic, marker
N    Normal, north, northward, negative
O    Order, operating, off, overload, out
P    Pole, power, purple, push, repeating, primary
Q    Local or secondary coil (as in double-element relay or mechanism)
R    Right, red, reverse, relay, power operated controller or contactor, route, stop indication of a signal
S    South, stick, storage, southward
T    Track, time, train, telephone, transformer, transmitter
U    Retarder, unit
V    Train stop (track element), electro=pneumatic stop valve
W   Switch (operating mechanism), west, westward, white
X    Crossing, interlocking, bell, buzzer, AC
Y    Slot, yellow, hold clear
Z    Use for any special terms (to be noted on plan)

Energy Wires
C Common DC.
EC Common East, meaning DC from system east (likewise for north, south, and west).
FC Common traffic locking.
CX Common AC.
ENX Negative voltage AC from POR for lighting, or east negative AC power (likewise for north, south, and west).
NX Negative AC power.
BL Positive side of split battery.
NL Negative side of split battery.
CL Common of split battery.
N Negative of DC power.
B Positive of DC power.
EB Positive power east (likewise for north, south, and west).
BB Battery - second battery.
BBB Battery - third battery.
BX Positive AC power.
EBX Positive AC power from POR for lighting, or east positive AC power (likewise for north, south, and west).

Operated Units Relating To Track Circuits
T Track section.
TR Track relay.
TPR Relay repeating track relay.
TPPR Relay repeating track repeating relay.
TSR Track stick relay.
TSPR Relay repeating track stick relay.
BPR Block repeater relay, relay repeating the track circuits in a block.
BK Block indicator.

Wires Relating To Track Circuits

TB Track positive - positive power to rail.
TN Track negative - negative energy from rail.
RB Relay positive - wire from positive rail to relay.
RN Relay negative - wire from negative rail to relay.
TO Positive control of local coil, double element AC track relay.
TP Positive control of TPR
TPP Positive control of TPPR.
TPS Positive control of TPSR.
TK Positive control of TK.
BP Positive control of BPR.
WB Positive rail to switch circuit controller.
WN Negative rail to switch circuit controller.

Operated Units Relating To Switches

W Switch operating mechanism or lock valve.
WR Relay, controller, or contactor controlling both normal and reverse operations of a switch or an electric switch lock.
WNR Relay, controller, or contactor controlling the normal operation of a switch or an electric switch lock.
WRR Relay, controller, or contactor controlling the reverse operation of a switch or an electric switch lock.
WRPR Relay repeating WR.
WNRPR Relay repeating WNR or normal position of WR.
WRRPR Relay repeating WRR or normal position of WR.
WPR Relay repeating position of a switch.
NWPR Relay repeating normal position of a switch or normal position of WPR.
RWPR Relay repeating reverse position of a switch or reverse position of WPR.
WK Indicator indicating the position of a switch.
WL Switch lock operating mechanism of a switch.
NWLPR Relay repeating normal position of a switch lock.
NJPR Relay repeating normal position of a dual-control lever.
RJPR Relay repeating reverse position of a dual-control lever.
NWK Indicator indicating the normal position of a switch.
RWK Indicator indicating the reverse position of a switch.
WAK Indicator indicating the condition approaching a switch.
RWLPR Relay repeating reverse position of a switch lock.
WCR Switch correspondence relay.

Wires Relating To Switches
NW       Normal control of switch operating mechanism.
RW       Reverse control of switch operating mechanism.
N10W   Individual return wire to 10 switch operating mechanism.
WR       Positive control of WR.
N10WR Negative control of 10WR.
WNR     Positive control of WNR.
WRR     Positive control of WRR.
WRP     Positive control of WRPR.
WNRP   Positive control of WNRPR.
WRRP   Positive control of WRRPR.
WP        Positive control of WPR.
N10WP  Negative control of 10WPR.
NWP      Positive control of NWPR.
RWP      Positive control of RWPR.
NWLP    Positive control of NWLPR.
WK        Positive control of WK.
N10WK  Negative control of 10WK.
NWK     Positive control of NWK.
RWK     Positive control of RWK.
WA        Positive control of WAK.
WL        Positive control of WL.
Positive control of RWLPR.
Positive control of WCR.
NJP        Positive control of NJPR.

RJP        Positive control of RJPR.

Operating Units Relating To Signals
HR            Relay controlling approach indication of a three position signal,
                 or the proceed indication of a two signal in one arm signaling.
DR            Relay controlling proceed indication of a signal.
HDR         Relay controlling approach and proceed indication of a signal.
HPR         Relay repeating HR or approach and proceed indication of HDR.
HSR          Home stick relay controlling the approach indication of a signal.
DPR          Relay repeating DR or proceed indication position of HDR.
RGPR        Relay repeating signal mechanism at stop.
HGPR        Relay repeating signal mechanism at approach.
RHGPR     Relay repeating signal mechanism at approach and stop.
DGPR        Relay repeating signal mechanism at proceed.
RGK          Indicator indicating signal mechanism at stop.
HGK          Indicator indicating signal mechanism at approach.
DGK          Indicator indicating signal mechanism at proceed.
ETOHR      East train order HR (likewise for north, south, and west).
ETOHDR   East train order HDR (likewise for north, south, and west).
ETOPHR    East train order repeater HR (likewise for north, south, and west).
ETOPDR    East train order repeater DR (likewise for north, south, and west).
HDGPR      Relay repeating signal mechanism in the approach and proceed position.
HDGK        Indicator indicating signal mechanism in the approach and proceed position.
HY             Hold clear or retaining mechanism of the approach indication of a signal.
DY             Hold clear or retaining mechanism of the proceed indication of a signal.
HG             Approach indication operating mechanism of a signal.
DG             Proceed indication operating mechanism of a signal.
RG             Stop indication operating mechanism of a signal.

Wires Relating To Signals
H            Positive control of HR.
D            Positive control of DR.
HD         Positive control of HDR.
N10HD   Negative control of 10HDR.
HP          Positive control of HPR.
HS          Positive control of HSR.
DP         Positive control of DPR.
RGP      Positive control of RGPR.
HGP      Positive control of HGPR.
DGP      Positive control of DGPR.
ETOH    Positive control of ETOHR.
ETOHD Positive control of ETOHDR.
ETOPH  Positive control of ETOPHR.
ETOPD  Positive control of ETODR.
HDGP    Positive control of HDGPR.
HDGK    Positive control of HDGK.
RGK       Positive control of RGK.
HGK       Positive control of HGK.
DGK       Positive control of DGK.
HG         Positive control of HG.
DG         Positive control of DG.
RG         Positive control of RG.
N10HG   Negative control of 10HG.
HY         Positive control of HY.
DY         Positive control of DY.
RHGP     Positive control of RHGPR.

Stick, Traffic, and Directional Operated Units

SR Stick relay.
ESR East stick relay, likewise north, south, and west.
LSR Locking stick relay.
EASR East approach sticking relay, likewise north, south, and west.
ASR Approach stick relay. 
FL Traffic lock preventing initial movement of a traffic lever from normal or reverse.
FLM Traffic lock preventing initial movement of a traffic lever from normal or reverse and also preventing final or indicating movement of same lever.
FR Traffic relay.
FLR Traffic lock relay controlling FL.
FLMR Traffic lock relay controlling FLM.
FLK Traffic lock indicator.
FSR Traffic stick relay.
EFSR East traffic stick relay, likewise north, south, and west.

Wires Relating To Stick, Traffic, and Directional Operated Units

S Positive control of SR.
ES Positive control of ESR.
LS Positive control of LSR.
EAS Positive control of EASR.
AS Positive control of ASR.
FL Positive control of FL.
FLM Positive control of FLM.
F Positive control of FR.
FLR Positive control of  FLR.
FLMR Positive control of FLMR.
FLK Positive control of FLK.
FS Positive control of FSR.
EFS Positive control of EFSR.

Operated Units Relating To Indicators, Locks, Indication Magnets, and Relays Used For Locking Purposes

M Lock preventing the final movement of a lever.
L Lock preventing the initial movement of a controlled function or lever.
NK Normal indicator indicating normal position of a unit.
RK Reverse indicator indicating reverse position of a unit.
TER Time element relay.
NM Lock preventing the final movement of a lever to the normal position.
RM Lock preventing the final movement of a lever to the reverse position.
NL Lock preventing the final movement of a lever or a controlled function from its normal position.
RL Lock preventing the final movement of a lever or a controlled function from its reverse position.
LR Relay controlling L lock.
LPR Repeater of L lock relay.
MR Relay controlling M lock.
MPR Repeater of M lock relay.
TE Time element.
TESR Time element stick relay.
LK Lock indicator repeating electric locking.
TEPR Relay repeating energized position of TE.
TECPR Relay repeating checking contact of TE.

Wires Relating To Indicators, Locks, Indication Magnets, and Relays Used For Locking Purposes
M           Positive control of M.
L            Positive control of L.
NK         Positive control of NK.
RK         Positive control of RK.
TE          Positive control of TER.
NM         Positive control of NM.
RM         Positive control of RM.
NL          Positive control of NL.
RL          Positive control of RL.
LR          Positive control of LR.
LP          Positive control of LPR.
MR         Positive control of MR.
MPR       Positive control of MPR.
TES        Positive control of TESR.
LK          Positive control of LK.
TEP        Positive control of TEPR.
TECP      Positive control of TECPR.

Operated Units Relating To Highway Crossing Signals

XX Crossing bell.
EXR Eastward interlocking or crossing relay, likewise north, south, west.
XG Wig-wag mechanism - crossing gate mechanism.
XY Slot for wig-wag mechanism - crossing gate mechanism.
EOR Electric light operating relay (flasher relay).
XSR Directional relay to hold crossing signal clear as train recedes from crossing.

Wires Relating To Highway Crossing Signals

XG Positive control of XG.
RXG Reverse control to XG (drive down mechanism).
E1 Postive wire to No. 1 unit of flashing light signal (to be designated by letter N, E, S, W).
E2 Postive wire to No. 2 unit of flashing light signal (to be designated by letter N, E, S, W).
XS Positive control of XSR.
EX Positive control of EXR.
EO Positive control of EOR.

Operated Units Relating To Approach And Annunciating Of Trains

AX Annunciator indicating approach traffic.
EAX Eastward annunciator indicating approach of eastward traffic, likewise north, south, and west. 
AER Relay used for approach lighting. 

Wires Relating To Approach And Annunciating Of Trains

AX Positive control of AX.
EA Positive control of EA.
E Positive control of ER.

Miscellaneous Operated Units
AK         Approach indicator.
AR         Approach relay.
PCR       Pole changing relay.
NLPR     Relay repeating the normal position of a lever. 
RLPR     Relay repeating the reverse position of a lever.       
E            Electric light.
TO         Train order.
WTO      West train order signal governing westward traffic, likewise north, south, and east. 
RR          Route relay.
VR          Train stop relay.
VSR        Train stop stick relay.
VPR        Train stop retaining relay.
VY          Train stop retaining mechanism.
XR          Interlocking relay.
TOR        Train order relay.
POR        Power off relay.
LOR        Light out relay.
ME          Marker light.
OR          Overload relay.
GDR       Ground detector relay.
CT          Code transmitter.
DU          Decoding unit.

Wires Relating To Miscellaneous Operated Units
AK      Positive control of AK.
A         Positive control of AR.
PC       Positive control of PCR.
NLP     Positive control of NLPR.
RLP     Positive control of RLPR.
R          Positive control of RR.
V          Positive control of VR.
VS        Positive control of VSR.
VP        Positive control of VPR.
VY        Positive control of VY.
X          Positive control of XR.
TO        Positive control of TOR.
PO        Positive control of POR.
LO        Positive control of LOR.
ME        Positive control of ME.
O           Positive control of OR.
GD        Positive control of GDR.
CT        Positive control of CT.
DU        Positive control of DU.

This section deals with symbols used on signal drawings.

Signals and Semaphores (prior to ~1950)

Searchlight and Color Light Signals (prior to ~1950)

Signals, Semaphores, & Smashboards

Signal Supports

Relays - DC & AC

Relay Contacts

Circuit Controller Contacts - Miscellaneous

Circuit Controller Contacts

Contacts Actuated By Switch Points, Derails, or Locking Connections

Other Signal & Pneumatic

Indicators, Locks, Buzzers, & Bells

Other Electrical Schematic Symbols

Railway Tracks & Highway Crossings

Buildings, Bridges, & Tunnels

Wayside Fixtures



Miscellaneous Devices Applied To Tracks

Pipe and Wire Lines

Lead-Outs, Bolt Locks, Cranks, and Deflecting Bars


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